Yoga Therapy Education, with Stephanie Quirk, 2025
As you know, in February 2025 we will once again be blessed to have Stephanie share her experience and wisdom with us on yoga theraputics. Hasu who usually accompanies Stephanie and has been part of our therapy community since these workshops began, who will not be coming over next year.
You may have taken the opportunity to join the Legacy and Lineage: 50 years of RIMYI series that Iyengar Yoga Australila are running, where you would have heard Stephanie and Lynn Holt discussing Iyengar Yoga Therapeutics. If you missed it the session touched on deep aspects of yoga, and was an amazing exploration not only of the subtleties of yoga therapeutics, but also the rich and remarkable education that Stephanie and Lynn each experienced at the feet of the Iyengar family.
In the Christchurch workshops we have been fortunate to hear first hand Stephanie's experiences as she generously recounts her experiences with us through-out the 4 days. I, like you, will be looking forward to the next therapy workshop a poster of what's instore is attached. A copy will be posted on the IYNZ website, however please feel free to share this on your websites, facebook pages, with interested people and in the studio you teach from, as there are a couple of spaces still available.
This year there has been a slight increase in the cost of the 4 day workshop to $525. If this creates a barrier to attending please let me know.
As with previous years to ease the financial strain, we asked for a deposit to show your commitment. The deposit of $250 is payable by 20 December, with the balance due 20 January, 2025. Once paid the deposit and or the full cost of the workshop is non-refunable and Stephanie is booking flights and accomodation based on your workshop attendance. I realise payments are due at time where traditionally there is a bit of financial outlay, so please once again let me know if this creates any unnecessary financial pressure.
When making payment please include your name: The bank details are:
Account holder: J D Forman
Westpac: 03 1592 0087705 000
If you have any queries, or are feeling a little unsure about attending please feel free to contact me. Although there are a couple of people who are uncertain about attending, I have included everyone who expressed an interest to keep you fully informed.
I look forward to seeing you all again in February.
Ngā mihi nui